Musk earlier this week announced his plans to raise the price of Twitter’s subscription service, Twitter Blue, from $5 to $8 per month and require it for verification. And they don’t charge their journalists/creators for ‘priority’ placement.” “Also fyi, legacy newspapers actually care about verifying newsworthy sources. “Are you seriously equating an app where people are torrenting racial slurs at an accelerated clip with the New York Times,” Ocasio-Cortez replied to Sacks.

“Lmao at a billionaire earnestly trying to sell people on the idea that ‘free speech’ is actually a $8/mo subscription plan,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a tweet earlier Wednesday, replying to a tweet by venture capitalist David Sacks in which he asked why establishment newspapers such as The Washington Post and The New York Times don’t give out their products for free. Ocasio-Cortez’s shot at Musk comes after she scoffed at another user for comparing Twitter’s latest monthly subscription initiative to major news outlets that offer subscription services. “Just a reminder that money will never your way out of insecurity, folks,” she added.