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Line of sight extinction was used to calibrate the LII system in a laminar flame, and to provide an independent method of measuring average soot volume fraction in the turbulent flame. The simultaneous measurement of soot volume fraction by laser induced incandescence (LII) and qualitative imaging of OH by laser induced fluorescence (LIF) was performed in a JP- 8 pool fire contained in a 152 mm diameter pan. Qamar, Nader [School of Chemical Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005 (Australia) [School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide, SA 5005 (Australia) Alwahabi, Zeyad T. [Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (United States) Nathan, Graham J. Planar measurements of soot volume fraction and OH in a JP- 8 pool fireĮnergy Technology Data Exchange (ETDEWEB)

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