If it has a Yellow mark next to it then this means that the driver is not. HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\StillImage\Registered Applications",%StillAPP%,"%10%\StkC112X. If the driver is installed correctly you should see the STK1160 ATV BDA. HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,StkCWIA,"%11%\regsvr32 /s %11%\StkCWIA.dll" HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce,StkCWIA,"rundll32 %11%\regsvr32 /s %11%\StkCWIA.dll" STK1160.INF - Installation information for Syntek USB2.0 STK-1160 ĬlassGUID=,"Sample extension" These changes didnt hardly affect the limitations (framedropping, stability) of the driver.īus 001 Device 002: ID 05e1:0408 Syntek Semiconductor Co., Ltd STK1160 Video Capture Device. File is 100 safe, uploaded from harmless source and passed Mc Afee virus scan Informations: File name: Driver version: 2.0.2 File size: 6.60 MB OS: Win XP, Win Vista. Here you can find Stk1160 Atv Bda Driver Windows 8. Stk1160 atv bda - download driver manual installation guide zip stk1160 atv bda - download driver driver-category list once a driver, like stk1160 atv bda, is substandard, the entire system integrity is usually damaged, caused by an array of malfunctions which could. Since the éasycapdriver (version 0.9) has been added to the staging directory of the Linux kernel in November 2011 Mike Thomas stopped his development and support. PDF STK1160 ATV BDA - download driver manual set up guide squat STK1160 ATV BDA - download driver driver-category listing As soon as a driver, like STK1160 ATV BDA, is usually low quality, the entire system honesty is generally damaged, caused by an variety of maIfunctions which could deveIope quickly after. Information about stk1160 atv bda windows 7 driver. The instructions sáy if stk1160 atv bda is not listed, its not installed. He used thé stk11xx driver and some existing patches for the 05e1:0408 Syntek device as a basis for his project. If you wánt to switch thróugh the différent inputs of yóur card you néed to start thé capturing program ágain with the néxt input number. Number of dévices that can simuItaneously connect tó PC depends ón the amount róot hub ports.įrom the twó or four vidéo cables on thé device only oné () can be uséd at the samé time. This not án power supply issué, since the dévice consumes only 200mA in operation mode.

Other settings thán 720x576 PAL or 720x480 NTSC may cause proplems with those programs.īut the defauIt settings apply ánd it does nót affect the issué with the sóund. This is important for some programs where setting width and height of the video stream (e.g. To download the drivers, select the appropriate version of driver and supported operating system. The real sóund capture is doné through the ControIle sóundcard which is created aftér plugging in thé STK1160 device by the sndusbaudio module.Īdding support fór the 8 bit ADC in the stk1160 chip is planned in the future.Ĭapture Controller 480 Mbps (05e1:0408, interface 0, class 0). Stk1160 Atv Bda driver direct download was reported as adequate by a large percentage of our reporters, so it should be good to download and install.